girl is chatting with a virtual agent

Stay Connected across Touch points - 24/7

Your business will always be available to your customers on Phone, SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram or your website. Waanee’s Chat and Voice bots will intelligently understand and respond to your customer queries even during your non-working hours

Be Quick & Proactive to Respond to Your Customers

Waanee’s Virtual Agents can be your first responder to your customers and optimises your team’s productivity. They can collect, understand and respond to the customer’s queries intelligently before handing the conversation to your team.

Human-like Interactions with Your Customers

Waanee’s Voice & Chatbots will offer a human-like experience to your customers, thanks to the power of Conversational AI & Engines that understand Natural Languages. Your customers will not feel that they are conversing with a robot.

Converse in Languages Your Customers Love

Waanee’s Voice & Chat bots can communicate by voice and text in multiple languages, including Indian languages. Expand your reach, act local and converse with your customers in the languages they love.

A mobile screen displaying a chat conversation between a virtual agent and customer
A screenshot of ivr software and showing the features of virtual agents features

Configure to Get More Leads & Deliver Better Experiences

Configure both Voice and Chat Bots to generate more leads, support customers and improve customer experiences. Our easy-to-use configurator helps you define business scenarios and configure ideal responses to them.

Proactively Engage: Send Broadcasts by Voice or Text

Waanee’s Voice & Chatbots can also reach your customers proactively. Send bulk but personalised messages via SMS, WhatsApp & Telegram or initiate voice broadcast calls. You can also send them in the language of your choice.

Drive your CX and EX at scale

Discover new avenues of growth and enhance existing terminals with our enterprise-grade conversational AI platform. Learn how is helping end customers.

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